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Boguszyn is on!

We are proud to share the energization, commercialisation and financing of Boguszyn PV, a 20 MW solar farm located in Boguszyn, Greater Poland Voivodeship. Boguszyn is a joint investment of Afcon Renewable Energy and EuroEnergy. This marks Afcon’s second fully energized project in Poland alongside PV Pożarowo 40 MW, successfully expanding their presence on the Polish RES market.

As the asset manager of Afcon’s PV assets in Poland, we were happy to provide support in the following areas:

  • PPA: securing offtake through competitive PPA process,
  • financing: finance raising process of ca PLN 50 million, working together with mBank to finalize the commercial terms of the financing,
  • AM: core asset management services ensuring day to day management of the farm.

Thank you Afcon and EuroEnergy for trusting us Ergy, with your renewable assets in Poland. We are looking forward to more green projects together.

Congratulations to all parties involved!